Christine is from the Badamia people of the Yamatji Nation. She was born and raised in Perth and has been a part of the Noongar community most of her life. She has had the great privilege of working alongside many strong Aboriginal men and women both in Perth and throughout the state and country.

Christine graduated from Medicine in 2008 at the University of Western Australia with a MBBS. She has worked as a doctor at various tertiary hospitals in Perth including Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Osborne Park Hospital, Swan Districts, Hollywood Private Hospital and rural at Port Hedland Regional Hospital. Her passion for Aboriginal health began at an early age when she became an Aboriginal Health Worker. This experience set her on the path of understanding about health and health matters from a grass roots level. This taught her about the need for community controlled, primary health care approaches and that health and health care is more than just about the individual, it has to be inclusive of our families and our communities.

Christine is linked in with the Aboriginal Advisory Committee in Midland and the local Advisory committee of Swan. Christine also sits on committees at the UWA and is currently on the Aboriginal Advisory Committee at Curtin University.