Kym Thomas is a funded researcher with Adelaide Rural Clinical School, The University of Adelaide.
Kym is committed to the holistic development of both individuals and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, particularly in regards to personal development, research, health, employment, and education.
Kym began his University career with the Spencer Gulf Rural Health School in 2002, now the Adelaide Rural Clinical School. Kym has, served as the Aboriginal Engagement Coordinator, Aboriginal Project Officer, Coordinator Aboriginal Health , Acting Head of Aboriginal Health, Head of Aboriginal Health, and Associate Lecture within the University sector.
Kym is currently the CI for the research project, Recent and Future Changes in Home Care and the Unique Challenges Associated With Service Delivery for Aboriginal People.
Kym has an extensive working history within the University sector, for initiating and managing collaborative partnerships and projects which contribute to the overall Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research, Education, Recruitment Strategy at The University of Adelaide. This includes the engagement with schools, colleges, universities, industry, government and community stakeholders in particular, Aboriginal communities and organisations that provide services for Aboriginal people.
In 2006, Kym received the Vice Chancellor’s Award UniSA, for outstanding contribution to service initiatives and excellent service to the university and its communities.