Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA)

Specialty Area


College Description

The RCPA is the leading organisation representing pathologists and senior pathology scientists in Australasia. Its mission is to train and support pathologists and to improve the use of pathology testing to achieve better healthcare. Pathology is about the study of the causes of disease and pathologists are the specialist medical doctors involved in the diagnosis and monitoring almost of all acute and chronic illnesses.

Fellowship Name

Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (FRCPA)

Fellowship Description

A fellowship in pathology, including its subspecialty areas, is recognised by AHPRA as meeting specialist registration requirements. It is a demonstration that the fellow has met the required level of competence to supervise pathology services within their scope of practice in Australia or New Zealand.

Indigenous Entry Path



207 Albion Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010

Contact Information


Pathology offers a fascinating career for doctors. With nine disciplines from which to choose, and the possibility of combining pathology with clinical training through the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, it touches every facet of medicine.

Pathologists see a wide variety of interesting and challenging cases. They diagnose every detected cancer in the world, and they are involved in the diagnosis and monitoring of all acute and chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, blood disorders and infections. Pathologists are also intimately involved in the management of these conditions.

Most pathologists work with a range of medical specialists, including general practitioners and laboratory scientists. The work frequently involves the integration of laboratory and clinical medicine.

The minimum training time is five years full-time equivalent, with the possibility of part-time training subject to employer requirements.


Trainees must have completed a medical degree registrable in their country of domicile, and a minimum of two postgraduate years of clinical work.


Indigenous Entry Pathways Description

Not applicable.

Key Dates

Important dates for training

Placement Requirements

Before applying for pathology training with the College, the prospective Trainee must be employed in a training position in a laboratory accredited by the College for training. A list of accredited laboratories is available on the RCPA website. A supervisor will work with the trainee to design and monitor their individual training program in accordance with the relevant RCPA discipline handbook. Once employment and supervision have been secured, the prospective trainee must submit an Initial Registration form to the RCPA and a copy of their prospective training program.


Detailed examination and workplace-based assessment requirements for each discipline may be found in the training handbooks.


The RCPA supports career development through its Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori Health and Workforce Steering Committee.

Employers are expected to offer interviews to all Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori applicants.

More information about careers in pathology


Indigenous Mentoring Programs, networks, support programs etc

Grants are available for mentoring programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander trainees and Māori trainees.

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