Disparities in health and health care across a range of populations and conditions are well described. Yet, many physicians remain unaware of their existence. To address this lack of awareness, accrediting bodies have established requirements for medical schools and residencies to teach medical students and residents physicians about various aspects of disparities in health and health care. The Association of American Medical Colleges’ (AAMC) report “Cultural Competency Education” states that students should understand “demographic influences on health care quality and effectiveness, such as racial and ethnic disparities in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases” as well as “any personal biases in their approach to health care delivery.” Additionally, as part of their physician licensure requirements, New Jersey and California require documentation of cultural competency training in continuing medical education. Other states are debating such requirements, including Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, New Mexico, New York, Ohio and Washington. In New Jersey, this training must include strategies to recognize and respond to health care disparities as well as the impact of stereotyping on medical decision making.