Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP)

Specialty Area


College Description

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists is responsible for training, educating and representing psychiatrists in Australia and New Zealand.

Fellowship Name

Fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (FRANZCP)

Fellowship Description

The RANZCP Fellowship is the admission to the specialty of Psychiatry. It demonstrates that a person has attained the skills and competencies described in the Fellowship program and allows Fellows to deliver unsupervised services in any Psychiatric setting in Australia or New Zealand.

Indigenous Entry Path



309 La Trobe Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Contact Information


The Fellowship Program takes a minimum of 60 months full-time equivalent to complete. During the training period, trainees work as registrars in hospitals and clinics in a number of areas of psychiatry, where they are supervised by experienced psychiatrists. Trainees are required to complete a number of workplace-based assessments and examinations during training.


Applicants must have completed a recognised medical degree, a minimum of one year (full time equivalent) of general medical training and hold current general or specialist registration as a medical practitioner in Australia or current registration within a general, vocational or provisional general scope of practice in New Zealand.


Indigenous Entry Pathways Description

Not applicable.

Key Dates

Applications dates vary between states, territories and New Zealand. Further information regarding selection into training can be found on the website.

Placement Requirements

A rotation typically requires:

  • 6 months of full-time equivalent (FTE) approved training.
  • the attainment of two Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) with a minimum of three Workplace-Based Assessments (WBAs) to aid the supervisor’s decision to entrust the trainee with each EPA.
  • One Observed Clinical Activity (OCA).

Enrolment & Fees

Those accepted to the Fellowship program are required to make payment of an initial registration fee and an annual training fee. These fees can be found on the website.

Examinations also attract fees.


The RANZCP Psychiatry Interest forum (PIF) provides information and events for medical students and doctors interested in psychiatry and mental health. Further information.


Indigenous Mentoring Programs, networks, support programs etc

RANZCP hosts an annual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Trainee Forum and New Zealand trainees participate in the annual Psychiatrists Wānanga.

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Committee and Te Kaunihera mo ngā kaupapa Hauora Hinengaro Māori (Te Kaunihera) oversee informal mentoring partnerships throughout the year.

College Scholarships

RANZCP provides a range of scholarships, bursaries and awards for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander Māori trainees. See website for annual congress scholarship opportunities.

Financial Assistance

RANZCP operates a number of financial support initiatives for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander Māori trainees. Contact the RANZCP for more details.

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July 2024 – Issue 49

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