Radiation Oncology, Clinical Radiology
RANZCR trains world-class clinical radiologists and radiation oncologists. The College is committed to making a positive impact and having a lasting influence on patient care and the professional life of its members. This commitment is pursued via a robust training experience for our registrars and the enhancement of the clinical expertise of RANZCR members with evidence-based standards.
Fellowship of the College (FRANZCR)
Fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (FRANZCR) confers eligibility for registration as a medical practitioner in the speciality of radiodiagnosis (clinical radiology) or radiation oncology and use of the title specialist radiologist or specialist radiation oncologist by the Medical Board of Australia (MBA), as well as registration within the vocational scope of diagnostic and interventional radiology and radiation oncology by the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ).
1. Clinical Radiology
A clinical radiologist is a specialist medical practitioner who has had postgraduate training in the conduct and interpretation of diagnostic imaging tests, and in the performance of interventional procedures or treatments, using x-ray, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment.
Clinical radiologists assist other doctors and specialists in treating patients. They do this with diagnosis
and treatments using medical imaging. Clinical radiologists have the medical knowledge to understand and explain a patient’s medical problem or symptom through images of the inside of the body. Further details are on the College website at A Career in Clinical Radiology.
The RANZCR clinical radiology training program is a five-year program in two phases:
Trainees are expected to meet milestones in each year of the training program. These include projects, examinations, logbooks and other forms of assessment. The curriculum consists of seven roles which encompass the competencies of the specialty. These roles are based on the CanMEDS model which stipulates the medical expert and six intrinsic roles as they pertain to clinical radiology:
2. Radiation Oncology
A radiation oncologist is a specialist medical practitioner who uses radiation therapy in the treatment of cancer patients. Radiation oncologists work in teams with other doctors, as well as radiation therapists and radiation oncology medical physicists, to create and deliver treatments. Further details are on the College website at A Career In Radiation Oncology.
The radiation oncology training program is a five-year program in two phases:
Radiation oncology training is in two major phases. The exact length of each phase depends on progress and achievement of milestones. Progress through the program is achieved by regular satisfactory assessments from supervisors and DoTs. Trainees are expected to meet assessment requirements in each year of the training program. These include projects, research, reports, examinations, logbooks and other forms of assessment
RANZCR is commissioning a full review of its trainee selection guidelines for both Faculties. The existing clinical radiology guidelines specify the need for selection to consider rural or regional origin.
To be accepted in the RANZCR training program, you must:
The College has also developed selection guidelines and principles
Not applicable.
Please see the website for exam details.
1. Clinical Radiology Assessments
The prerequisites for clinical radiology trainees to be admitted to Fellowship of the College (FRANZCR) are:
2. Radiation Oncology Assessments
The prerequisites for radiation oncology trainees to be admitted to Fellowship of the College (FRANZCR) are:
Membership Fee
Training Fee
Indigenous Health Working Group (IHWG)
IHWG advocates for the Indigenous peoples of Australia and New Zealand to have equivalent cancer outcomes to the rest of the population, and to positively influence Indigenous health in both countries
Mentoring Working Group
RANZCR has commenced plans to establish a mentoring project to support trainees and early career Fellows. Its purpose is to supplement existing learning frameworks and steward a well-rounded career pathway. The project will facilitate a mutually beneficial relationship between mentee and mentors which enables two-way learning, enhances professional networks, empowers individuals and generates resilience.
In 2018, the Board approved the establishment of a scholarship ($30,000) for Indigenous trainees to encourage medical students identifying as Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander or Māori to enter the specialties. Advertising for the scholarship occurred in January 2019.
The College has a Financial Hardship process under the Fees Policy for all active members.
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