Doctor of Medicine (MD)

Entry Level



Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia


5 years

Important Dates

Applications due via the Universities Admissions Centre.

More information can be found on the Important Dates and Deadlines page.

Indigenous Entry Pathway

Yes, Western Sydney University has an Indigenous Entry Program. Please refer to the Indigenous applicants for Medicine page for more information.


Western Sydney University (WSU)

School of Medicine

University of Western Sydney
Locked Bag 1797
Penrith NSW 2751

Contact Information


The WSU MD course prepares graduates for eligibility for registration as a medical practitioner in Australia or New Zealand. It is an integrated program in which the basic sciences and areas of knowledge underpinning medical practice are learnt in a framework that emphasises active learning, based on clinical and other relevant scenarios.

Teaching of clinical skills begins in the first year and continues throughout the program. In the last three years of the course, students undertake clinical placements in a wide range of settings across Greater Western Sydney and throughout New South Wales.

Indigenous Health is a very important component of our curriculum, with all students spending at least five weeks in an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service.


Entry Level

Undergraduate. An undergraduate course is an entry level course at university. Most students go from year 12, but you can also apply as a mature age student, or have done an enabling course or previous study at TAFE. You can also do an undergraduate course if you have already done a degree, but in a different field.

Entry Criteria

The most important criteria for admission will be an assessment of the applicant’s desire to study medicine and their likelihood of succeeding in the course. These will be determined by the School on a case by case basis, including through a panel interview (please see below):

Applicants will need to:

  • Have completed the NSW HSC or tertiary equivalent
    Provide supporting documentation such as transcript of academic records, resumes and other documents of community involvement.
    Provide confirmation of Aboriginality and Torres Strait Islander identity of equivalent.
Preparation Course

A week-long orientation to the medical program is offered to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students immediately prior to the commencement of the course.


Indigenous Entry Pathway

Yes, Western Sydney University has an Indigenous Entry Program. Please refer to the page for more information.

Additional Information

  • The most important criteria for admission will be an assessment of the applicant’s desire to study medicine and their likelihood of succeeding in the course. These will be determined by the School on a case by case basis.
  • If you are invited to interview, there will generally be questions about motivation, educational experience, and aspirations, with the most important criteria is your passion and desire to become a doctor.
  • The interview panel will include the Dean, another School of Medicine academic, a local elder/community member and a University Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff member.


What assistance is available to me?

Badanami Centre for Indigenous Education
Badanami Centre for Indigenous Education offers student spaces and support services on each campus and offers a range of services and support to guide Indigenous students through their study and to help make their time at the University of Western Sydney enjoyable and enriching.

Badanami’s major role is to: administer the Badanami Alternative Entry Scheme; administer the Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme (ITAS); provide personal and cultural support to all Indigenous students; provide academic support to all Indigenous students, conduct an Indigenous Student Orientation Program; advise on enrolment, programs of study, graduation, leave of absence, withdrawal, scholarships and cadetships; advocate on behalf of students; provide teaching expertise and conduct research and consultancy.

University Scholarships

WSU Accommodation Options

There are also a number of internal Accomodation scholarships available.

Financial Assistance

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